List of Irgun members

This is a list of notable members of the Irgun, either having been listed by the Irgun's website[1] or by reputable independent sources .

Former Irgun members[2] have held positions of highest influence in the Israeli political and security establishments since independence, and the lasting effect of the ideology espoused by extremist groups such as the Irgun and the Lehi continues to be a source of active research and debate among responsible historians and political observers to this day.


Persons listed on the Irgun website

Irgun Chief Commanders

The Gallows

The Irgun website lists the following as having been executed during the British occupation; though many were indeed hanged at places such Acre Prison, others were killed during firefights, or committed suicide to avoid capture.

Senior Commanders

Persons cited in other sources

The Irgun's exact membership roster is not known, and like many paramilitary and clandestine organizations, was somewhat nebulous; and in any case certain highly notable early Irgun members (such as Yitzhak Shamir) simply are not listed on the Irgun website. The following persons have been attributed by reputable sources as having significant roles, either as bona fide IZL members, assets or close affiliates.

Contract affiliates

Persons of notable affiliation to the Irgun, but who were probably not members in any formal sense.

ZZW / IZL issues

The whole issue of the Żydowski Związek Wojskowy (known in Hebrew as Irgun Zvai Leumi and in English as the National Military Organization), the Revisionist Zionist resistance organization in Warsaw under the time of the German occupation, is rather complicated due the ZZW's being largely ignored by the "mainstream" Irgun in Israel, while all the same there are ZZW members such as Dawid Wdowinski who pointedly describe theirs as a bonafide IZL faction.[13][14]


  1. ^ Irgun commanders
  2. ^ Numerical estimates of total Irgun membership have ranged from 4,000 to 10,000. (Compare with outer estimates of 1,000 for the Stern faction, and 60,000 for the Haganah.)
  3. ^ Devora Publishing - Golan, Zev (author)
  4. ^ Doyle, Leonard (March 2, 2006). "Israeli 'ruler-in-waiting' plans to starve Hamas". The Independent (London). Retrieved May 8, 2010. 
  5. ^ Elizabeth Bumiller, The Brothers Emanuel, New York Times, June 15.
  6. ^ Matthew Kalman, Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is no pal of ours, Israel's foes say, New York Daily News, November 6, 2008.
  7. ^ Obama's choice for chief of staff puts 'Israel's man in White, Agence France-Presse, November 7, 2008.
  8. ^ Trevor Royle, Diplomatic Editor, Bipartisanship balancing act is just one pre-Oval Office issue for Obama, Sunday Herald, November 16, 2008.
  9. ^ Ned Parker and Stephen Farrell (July 20, 2006). "British anger at terror celebration". London: The Times.,,251-2277717,00.html. 
  10. ^ Yehuda Lapidot, "The Altalena Affair"
  11. ^
  12. ^ Elie Wiesel, biography from the Jewish Virtual Library, accessed August 13, 2007.
  13. ^ (English) David Wdowiński (1963). And we are not saved. New York: Philosophical Library. pp. 222. ISBN 0802224865.  Note: Chariton and Lazar were never co-authors of Wdowiński's memoir. Wdowiński is considered the "single author."
  14. ^ Dariusz Libionka and Laurence Weinbaum. "Deconstructing Memory and History: The Jewish Military Union (ZZW) and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising". Jewish Political Studies Review 18:1-2 (Spring 2006).